Tuesday, January 30, 2007


Hmm.. Nothing interesting happened lately.. Just that I decided to sit infront of my lappie, get addicted to the net and forget about cleaning up my room..

And the reason why I am cleaning up my room is because I'm moving into my hall!!! Fellow stalkers, take this down: Hall 2!!! Yea yeah.. I know u hall-ers are dying to get that hall, but lucky me.. So now I can wake up at 0845 and not be late!! (provided i don't bathe or change out of my PJs) The block and room number you'll have to figure out on your own..

Apparently, my parents aren't too excited.. Maybe it's because I'm the only member of the family other than my mommy who BOTHERS to do laundry, fold and press them and do the dishes.. So dear siblings, your on your own.. Muahahahaha.. Dun miss me ya..

Anw, as I already almost swore to myself to end clubbing-hood, a certain someone unexpectedly asked me out clubbing.. Still surprised that she did.. I can't mention who tho'.. For her, I'll do it.. Once in a lifetime chance..

And talking about clubbing, I did go on the 27th to MOS.. I swear, I'm soooooo fucking tired of clubbing there.. But that nite was great.. And Ellein took soo many photos.. Will load them up here one day.. Tho' i look drunk and sleepless in like.. ALL of them.. hahaha..

Anw, to Azlisyah, happy birthday! To all other January babies who're irritated I didn't wish you, GET OVER IT! haha..

k... I end here.. Ciao!


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