Friday, March 02, 2007

Dates dates dates

heyhey... I'm back..

To all who left me messages from 26th to 28th Feb and didn't get any reply, I'm sorry.. Was in KL with my family.. And I'm sorry if I didn't inform like I would normally do..

Good news, the photos from MOS appeared! Omg.. (Like as tho they matter anymore)..

Firstly, to Prasanna, Happy Belated Birthday.. Sorry I never made it to the celebration.. I was busy with my stupid coffee master challenge (which I passed btw, yay!- whatever).. Seriously, when I think about it again, I should have just met you guys and enjoy.. Ugh! Work should just stay the way it is- WORK..

Work and social life can NEVER co- exist.. If not, I'll be like Hakim (if some of you people know).. Not that I hate him or something.. I mean he's a very nice guy and a great friend to chat up with.. But I just find that he can be quite TOO pro- Starbucks at times.. Quite annoying really..

Anyway, I finally submitted to switching my blog to the new google account.. Dunno wad's the difference.. I just hope that it wouldn't ruin anything..

This "recess week" has been really quite a blunder.. So many datelines to remember and so many people having so many birthdays.. Messages after messages reminding me dates and events, that I feel like not attending to any at all!! You people have nothing better to do during my break but disturb me right?! I was expecting all this when school reopens, but no... People are just too free and bored!

Birthdays celebrations this march: My dad's, Yazid's, Vidya's, Faizah's, Siti's, Abriz's..

Datelines and events:
5th-- Sketches of 3D
6th-- Show and tell of Majors
7th-- Zoo outing
8th-- Selection of my Major for next Sem
-- 4D portfolio due
10th-- GPA
13th-- 2D assignment due
15th-- 4D story narrative due
19th-- 4D drawings,etc due
29th-- 4D presentation


And tomorrow I'm having my day out with my sweetheart! Yeay! Skating, movies and the beach!

Oya.. I'm supposed to do laundry..


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