Friday, February 09, 2007

Busy busy busy

Hmm.. Firstly to that "somebody".. Cheer up k.. Not that I'm avoiding you or anything, just that life HAS to go on.. Honeymooning all the way gets us nowhere.. Anyway, dates are meant to be cherished, so if you do it everyday, wad's the point? Time apart may do us some good, k? Makes me miss you more.. Heheh..

And secondly, a HUGE THANK YOU to Razak for accompanying me to the clinic.. Was extremely nice of you to even stay with me thru the visit even tho' it was a problem of mine.. Real sweetie.. Owe you this one..

Anyway, school is just crazy.. So yeah 3D is due Monday and I have a loooong way to go.. And 2D? Haven't even come up with any ideas.. No sketches for foundation get.. Hans is gonna get so mad.. And for Meridel.. Ugh! A new assignment! Yikes!!!

Wad's the point of having a RECESS week when the workload is even more than normal days..

Anw, V- Day is just around the corner.. To all couples, have a romantic time with your loved ones and yeah, don't forget protection alrite? Heheh.. To all singles, CONGRATULATIONS! You have no reason to succumb to this pocket- holing celebration that has no real purpose whatsoever!! If you're feeling sad not being in love, it's alrite k.. There're many other fun things than love and sex to attend to.. Go to the beach, get drunk, or simply be a lazy bum and sleep all day!

Anyway, on thursday, Ivy brought a guest to class:

Yeah.. It's a one- eyed, abused and abandoned kitten that Ivy came to nurse and give to one of our tutors, Ken.. Real cute thing and he's not afraid of anyone in class.. And he's quite a sleeper too.. Slept in practically everybody's arms..

So yeah.. Things we do in class...

Oya.. In our 2D make- up class just now, we went to the ADM library and I was reading a book.. Something struck me with the things quoted in it:

David McReynolds,
War Resisters League

"... we lock ourselves at night. We're all... we're all.. voluntary jailers. It's really a very frightening thing we do. We have bars on the windows. I do, too. This is a very difficult for somebody who really would prefer... not to have his door locked."

And another one by

Gloria and Juan Gonzales,
field marshall and minister of defence;
members of the Young Lords Party

This is what they exchanged during the ring ceremony at their wedding:

"If I go forward, follow me. If I stand still, push me. If I go backward, kill me."

All I can say is wow!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I will cover you with love when next I see you, with caresses, with ecstasy. I want to gorge you with all the joys of the flesh, so that you faint and die. I want you to be amazed by me, and to confess to yourself that you had never even dreamed of such transports.... When you are old, I want you to recall those few hours, I want your dry bones to quiver with joy when you think of them. That's it I said it all what's on my mind.............

4:48 PM  
Blogger said...

You just freaked me out, boy..

9:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


10:19 AM  

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