Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Kit Kat

Ok.. I need a break..

Usually I would complain about school work and shit, but today I'd like to say the opposite.. I think I actually like my school work.. I actually ENJOYED it.. Yikes!

Was doing Meridel's assignment about my personal family story.. I wrote it out as a play.. My plan is to make a "sock puppet" play show and present it tomorrow.. That is still pending 'cos I'm actually too lazy to do these puppets..

And I just watched the movie The Notebook which has been in my laptop for months now unwatched til today.. After writing out that play and watching that movie, I realised that love at old age is most romantic.. For those who have never watched the movie, I would advise you to, because it's not like those common love stories that involves only 2 people falling in love and have a happy ending, but it is also about choices and has quite a horrible ending..

The reason why I love that movie so much is because it is actually a back story.. And also because even though it was actually set in the 1940's the problems are as real as today and as applicable to me..

Somehow I could see myself in that story.. The women like wearing pearl earrings, thick mascara and all of them drive vintage cars (I loike!).. In relation to me, the main character

1) has dementia at old age (an illness whereby they forget everything),
2) she is very erratic and make rash decisions,
3) she wants to know what her partner wants but doesn't know what she wants,
4) she talks about responsibility (in terms of sex and loyalty) but never practice it because she loves her partner too much,
5) she has problems talking to her parents about the guys she go out with even though the guy is already very well approved by her parents,
6) her parents are choosy and don't like guys without proper jobs or education,
7) she has a busy schedule,
8) she dates all sorts of men- the filthy rich and the poor,
9) she loves painting,
10) she thinks alot and wants her partner to verbalise his thoughts instead,
11) she starts talking too much when making out because she's insecure,

and last but not least, she says I love you many times to the man she's not so keen on, but only once to the man she really loved..

Scary isn't it?

Anyway, to my sweetie, know that when you love someone, it's not because of the qualities they have, but how much you can tolerate them.. In fact, you love to tolerate them, because they were easy to love.. And people change all the time.. They possess different qualities when they change.. But lovers don't stop loving despite the changes, do they?

Maybe that's why you sometimes don't know why you like me.. I remembered when I asked, you just went like,

"There's no reason to love someone.... Some things don't need reasons."

I know you were quite disappointed about what I said last nite about what I like about you.. But you kept quiet.. Just know that I love you even more with your flaws and nonsense.. Personality don't get people far in relationships.. Even if you're smart and humourous, how many jokes can you crack to make people laugh before they get sick and tired of you? Everyone has a breaking point, no matter what personality.. Everyone experience heartaches no matter how popular or hot or desirable they can be..

And I'm sorry that I can't remember what I said as my reason of loving you, but for now it's because..

You are easy to love..

And that you make my sacrifices worthwhile because not only you WANT, but NEED to be loved.. Maybe my last reason which I can't be able to recall was waaay different and more impressive, but this is me.. for now..

I hope you can understand what I mean.. And I hope you're not too heartbroken or hurt..


Blogger sixtieshairdo said...

hey babe. glad you're so happy these days. i hardly see you so i kinda rely on your blog to see what's up with your life...and i'm really really REALLY happy for you :) take care and see you soon.

-ain ain bo bain-

9:15 PM  
Blogger said...

hey thanx.... I MISS YOU!

9:34 PM  

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