Sunday, March 26, 2006

Worried? Me? No laa...

Hey y'all..

Been trying to channel my energy away from thoughts of death and of course, cries.. (See previous 2 posts)

And been trying to make academic decisions lately. I could either
1) Stay on with this shitty course for another 3 years, get a stable job and feel miserable while I spend lunch alone in my office in front of my laptop.
or 2) Transfer course to something I like and realise that I don't need that degree and it was purely for passion- 4 years of youth for something useless to me.
or 3) Quit university and work, unknowingly get disowned by my parents.

Option (3) might be quite unlikely, but this is real serious shit. It is POSSIBLE, because I'm considering it.. Discussed it with parents and friends.. The only reason I continue Uni education is all for my parents and community.. The fact that the number of Malays that qualify to ever enter JC is probably equivalent to my monthly salary, what more university?

And if you're some makcik who haapen to have a conversation with me while waiting for your Mee Rebus at a hawker centre, you'd be proud that a bimbo like me is taking COMPUTER ENGINEERING in university.. You'll start introducing me to your sons, tell me that you'll pray to God I'll be a success, advice me to work hard and ask about my parents.. Trust me, this happens 4 times already.. Tho' the other 3 had different food orders.. One was a nasi ayam take away, another an ice kachang and the most recent was a mocha frappucino while I was at work..

And if you're my mom, you'll start freaking out because you fear that history will repeat itself.. My mom's highest qualification is pre-U, she applied for university, got accepted, BUT refused it.. And my elder sis, she got to poly, failed and transfer course and left without a diploma.. So I do understand my mom's reaction..

Expectation, expectation, expectation.. This is crazy..

And among other bullcrap, is the upcoming adventure race which I am totally unprepared for.. Same goes for the upcoming exams..

And to transfer course, I realise I have to hand in EVERYTHING- my portfolio, a video of myself, an essay and photos, by 28th March..

And work- been deciding when I should quit..

Oyaa.. Something interesting happened during graveyard shift with Mev last night.. There was an army flight to Taiwan, and there was this boy who ordered thru Mev and Mev even made the drink herself.. But when he wanted to leave, he handed me the pink GEMS service card, gave a cheeky smile, left and smiled at me again 5 minutes later when he was hanging around that area.. If you dont know what pink card I'm talking about, it's a small card to say thank you to those who you felt gave a good service, you'll jot the Barista's name and leave your name and number on the card as well.. So Mev was there and asked,

"You got serve him, meh?"

hehehe.. how convenient these cards, giving them opportunity to share their numbers.. bloody NS guy.. You're going to Taiwan for goodness sake! Can't you wait til you come back??

Ok.. I'm tired to think already.. so nite, folks!


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