Sunday, November 19, 2006

Guess who

Was thinking about someone lately, and while I was doing graveyard last nite, a song was played in the backroom that related very intimately..

I would have given you all of my heart
But there's someone who's torn it apart
And he's taken just all that I had

But if you wanna, try to love again
Baby I'll try to love again but I know

The first cut is the deepest, baby I know
The first cut is the deepest

When it comes to being lucky he's cursed
And when it comes to lovin' me he's worse

Ugh.. now I hate myself..

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Some photos to share..

Sorry for the lack of enthusiam these days.. But anyway, it's MY blog.. And yeah, my flooble chat box thingie has gone expired..

And as you guys know, Aisyah left for Norway..
Dinner we had at JP

And here are the ones at the airport:

Gosh was it painful.. I never thought it would be.. I mean she will be back and all.. But as soon as she walked into transit, I felt somewhat... hmm.. heavy.. I mean I'm not one of her very close pals, but yeah, I guess, once a Loner, always a Loner..

And EIGHT years of knowing each other and being updated here and there, ain't little, aite..

Well.. hmm... It's her happiness..

Something interesting happened while we were escorting her to the hall..

Aisyah's mom: I don't understand her. I mean it's just love....
Me: Yeah. I know what you.... (whispering to myself) What? JUST love?

Then I smiled at her..

Actually, there was an argument, among us Loners wondering why Aisyah decided so.. Martin is afterall, just a guy.. And wasting a year in uni and spending even more money abroad don't seem practical, as how we know Aisyah..

But I was thinking long and hard about it.. I spent nearly $3k on my braces, a year in a course I hated when I could have worked and earn shitloads, 2 years in a science course in JC when now, I end up in an arts school and endless amount of money on food, especially chocolates..

So, of all the crazy, wasteful things we do that may seem practical, maybe LOVE do seem like a greater cause for sacrifice and compromise..

And I cry over guys in regret, what more for one who she would consider marrying?

Naturally, people will say 'think with your head, not your heart'.. Reasonably enough, if you DO think with your head you would probably do what Aisyah did..

Heart: I love him, I can't live without him..
Head: He's just a guy!

Heart: I have to go there and see him again!
Head: But that will cost you thousands! But I have the money anyway.

Heart: So go already!
Head: Hmm.. Norway seem like a good reason to get out of this fucked up island anyway.. Let me calculate.

Heart: But wait! If I get out of this island I'll miss my mom! And she's my mom! OMG!
Head: Ok.. I can afford to go Norway and even the education there.. And mom? I can visit her every now and then.. That wouldn't be much of a problem.. And you lovesick child never even think about sch! I have to winthdraw or defer! But sch's here fucked up anyway.. There're many other interesting courses in the uni's in Norway..

Heart: God, I can't stop thinking about him. I long for him..
Head: Ok, shut up and start packing you idiot! I'll get the tickets..

hahaha.. see what I mean? So to Aisyah, all the best.. Behave aite.. Hahaha..

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Selamat Hari Raya!!

Okok.. I know it's late.. but hey, technically, it still is Hari Raya.. hahaha..

It came as fast as it left.. wohohoho.. and yeah, duit collection this year has been rather surprisingly good.. Larger than I expected.. Nonetheless, I got from less number of people, just that they contain larger amounts! Ta daa!!

So to all who contributed, thank you.. And to all I know and love, maaf zahir batin.. I know I'm in the naughty list for most of u.. So yeah.. Please, the bitchy me has been working very very hard to change aite.. Hahaha..

Talking about bitch, life has been quite a huge one.. Been quite a while since I had the time alone to reflect, despite having 4 hours everyday to travel, which I use for sleep.. hehe..



What can I actually talk about?

I don't know.. ok...

I don't understand the concept of reading the newspaper while standing in a CROWDED train.. It doesn't make sense.. It's a crowded train, and people still read torso- length, 2- arms- wide papers and expects everyone else to accomodate to their reading distance.. I mean it's not so while you're seated, but standing??? I swear if I see another of u shits doing that I'll delibrately stand in between u and your paper..

And another thing.. People leaning on handle bars.. The vertical ones.. Don't they realise?? By doing that, nobody could use the bloody bar.. It's LONG and VERTICAL (not short and horizontal, haha) for a reason rite? Unless, if u don't mind being grabbed all over, then lean all u want.. Hahaha..

Talking about being deprived (hehe), puasa made me quite the hungry child.. So yeah.. Been spending endless amounts on food, next to cab fares, that is.. So yeah, don't ask me if I puasa k.. I DID, just that I gained all the weight back on my first 5- mealed hari raya day..

And sch?

Wow.. Projects ended, but now all the workbooks and portfolios are due.. NEXT WEEK!! Bloody hell..

Life's a bitch...

C'est la vie..