Saturday, January 28, 2006

Time to hit the books..

oh yes, so God did bless us with a miracle...

Thank you God.. Thank you, thank you, thank you...

Yes, everyone seem to be suddenly all courteous after the guys' dikir.. Everyone thanked everyone.. But to my opinion, the real star of the show: Farah... A true leader who made the miracle.. Even tho the miracle took the whole afternoon, it indeed, paid off..

So yeah, alike the girls', the guys' performance wasn't the best of all dikir, but if you see how far we went, you'd know we made a mark in NTU perbayu's history..

And during the show, everyone had their own support in the audience.. Me- Aisyah and my family, Salleha- her friends, the boys- their girlfriends and of course, Aisyah... Hehehe...

And of course, the post- performance celebration at a small cafe, Mosi Cafe, was the curtain call.. For us to taste the very last drip of success and glory... Yeah, we had a few laughs and open talks with Truth or Dare and a lil' bit of a 'forum'... Hahaha.. But yeah, I did feel a lil' closer to them, more than the times at training.. We should hang out more.. hehe.. But do remember guys: What was told there, SHOULD STAY THERE.. The four (maybe 3) walls of the humble Mosi Cafe..

So now, CNY is coming, tutorials are piling, my family waiting and work is paying..

Busy, busy, busy... To all my Chinese friends, Happy Chinese New Year.. Spare me a red packet whenever there's too much, k??

Seemed odd that yesterday I was quite nervous for it, now... I really feel stupid now... Tho' yeah, Taman Warisan is a location big enough for a big shot.. So yeah, be happy.. Anw, here are the photos.. Sorry for the lousy shots... If you guys have more, PLEASE, mail it to me.. As usual click on 'em to a 1024 pixel.. Enjoy!

Khai trying to act cool.. heh...

Mardiana the extra mama..

Wan's scary, y'all...

Looking busy..

Fidgety Azman...

Baik Paluan! hahaha...

woah... Luq the shining star...

of course, Baik Canang!

Hansem sey....

go Yazid, go Yazid...

Another Baik Paluan moment.. heh..

Our dear singers at their best..

Feels like 10 seconds and it's already Wau Bulan.. sigh..

Roomies and best friends hit each other all the time..

Razak and his natural berserked! look.. hahaha..

Big family...


The perahu hoppers..

Hardy har har har...


The couple of the year..

Mosi, Cosy, Cafe..

Strip Syahid, STRIP!

Oooo yeah Ros, you turnin me ON!!

Flirting with the hugest schlong there aye, Farah?? Hahaha..

One, sir, two, sir... haha.. (sorry, too low a shutter speed)

Horsey Aizad... Yeeehaaaw....

Friday, January 27, 2006

Life? Not!!!

Hey all...

Okay, so i've been busy.. Yeah yeah.. I say it in every post now, and I refuse to apologise..

On Wednesday, dikir girls performed.. Within an amazing 4 day period, we managed to get lyrics, recruit ppl, form ragam and manage hand and voice coordination.. Although it wasn't the best of all dikir, it was definately quite a miracle.. No group, I repeat, NO GROUP could ever manage that sort of performance within 4 days training, an average of 3 hours each.. Especially the ragam (as compared to guys dikir, ahem!)... And on top of that, a third of them are actually DIKIR VIRGINS..

Day started normal, until 11.30 A.M.... The girls made a mistake to take it easy and came at noon instead... We had to put on the costume, figure out the samping, make- up and pecah suara in abt half an hours' time... For Mar, Dayana and me, it had less 'cos we were involved in the kompang item... Nonetheless, the spirit of true performers in certain members know better than to sit down, not help while others are struggling to pin up their samping and spend 12244324987 hours on their own make- up... I know now who call up for the next dikir performance...

Special thanks I need to announce:
1) Salleha- forming ragam with me and carrying those instruments
2) Farah- pure talent and leadership
3) Mar and mai- recruiting people and support
4) Yazid- patience and for the costumes

And on Friday, which is later today, I'll be playing the canang for the guys dikir at Taman Warisan.. Trying not to be mean, but I'm looking forward to seeing my parents (my mom's shop's near there) than the performance.. The boys are not prepared, and yet it's a PUBLIC performance..

May God bless us with a miracle...

Of all my 11 dikir performances, this is my first time playing the canang and yet, this is the most nerve- wrecking pre- performance jitters I've ever had...

God, please, God...

Anyway, thanks to Syaheeda, the girls' performance was recorded and thanks to many others, photos photos photos!! Here are some from my own camera.. Not all, cos some are just plain waste of time... Click on em for the 1024 version... Enjoy!!!

Syahid the extra..

The roomies

The lovers

The loser pose

And the lost pose... Hahaha...

Lalat masok oi!

Does Farah look extra WHITE or what???

Finally, a true group photo...

Sunday, January 22, 2006


Hey babies.. Sorry for the long pause..

I'm really really missing doc.. This feels like shit..

And in case you have not notice, I've been busy.. Very, in fact.. I thought when therapy sessions are up, I'm supposed to be far more free, but hell, it got worse..

I got back to my hall just now and Salleha was on my laptop.. She looked totally pissed off.. I dont know why.. There are days she go pissed but keeps it to herself.. I mean I really don't know what to do.. I think she might be angry with me for talking to people wad it's like living with her.. Just now I was online at home while she was online using my laptop, and suddenly she mentioned she let the cat into our room..

Ok, to me: so??

Then I realised she hate the cat.. So I thought she might be hinting..

I really don't know what to say really, 'cos she never told me if she's pissed... She HINTED.. I hate this.. To me, if you don't like it that I express myself and converse far more freely than you do to everyone else, TELL ME.. Don't try to be cool with it and HINT about..

I don't know whether I myself do that, but I know for sure if I'm pissed, I let it out... I don't care if people are not comfortable with it or that agreeable.. The least, I know where the problem lies, within me or someone else.. Fuck about talking 'beralas'.. I think that's the very problem with the Malay society.. No one ever gets up and tell you off right in the face.. Problems unsolved, but baseless impressions formed.. We need some shaking.. So Salleha, shake me! Let me know!

I feel really quite insulted sometimes.. Espcially that she's my roomate and that I exposed my pure being to her and she, on the other hand, keep to herself.. I mean the very reason we are close it's because we know each other, rite? I feel quite distant now.. Really insulted..

And yeah, for the pass few weeks, I really couldn't my cool.. I exploded quite a few of times..

First, it was the skate outing Lin organised, then it was at dikir prac at school and just now with my parents.. I feel quite out of place now actually.. I rarely ever get mad, but yeah, things have been tough with friends and family and I feel like puking..

Someone was askin me why I never put up or even talk about my trips to Australia and Jakarta..

All I can say is that it's something like talkin about the sex you had last night..

Really, travelling and beach bumming are all that I truly treasure about life.. It's not something to discuss or show, but appreciated... Pure appreciation.. While you can keep precious diamonds in a safe, you can't really blog out true love or passion and keep it in a post or in a picture.. Time is something you can't really keep.. It's something you appreciate..

Those picures will mean nothing.. They are just evidence of that event.. My memory is what matters most.. Yeah, you won't expect a photog- freak- who- wants- to- do- weddings to say that about pictures, but hell, it's true..

So what if you had the BEST PHOTOGRAPHER for your wedding? Do the pictures say anything about your love?? Or even about the effort you took to make it all happen??

They're just pictures.. And these are just words on a blog.. Do you really know me already??

If you don't get what I mean yet, fuck off..

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

call- it- whatever- you- want- post

Hey good people..

Was just blog hopping and just realised that EVERYONE's got something to say about the new year or school's first day..

And I just went "Happy 2006!" and "Alright, school's gonna start on Tuesday.. Really feeling fucked up"...

Seriously, my new year's resolution must be not to have one..

Ok so this is a lil' outdated.. The Lonerz- outing- that- almost- didn't- happen..
Yes, it was at Chinese Garden.. Have yet to explore that used- condom filled and the bangla worker hangout piece of land..

Photos are by Sameema and Ain and yeah, apologies, cos at night, gardens like that are not well lit, we took photos which cant even be seen on the LCD screens of the cameras.. Click on em for the larger version.. Enjoy!!

Do we need sleep or what??

Vid's kewl pose

Playboy, saru, when???


Ain, it's a colgate ad!

The obsessed

Fake tattoo??? C'mon...

Aisyah: Cum, big boy.. Samz: Hi, my name is Sameema.. Hahaha

Usha's gettin a lil' too heavy for me.. Gasp!

I see ORBS!!! Aaaaarrrgghh!! I dun wanna die in a fucking chinese garden!!

Another cool pose by Aisyah and Vidz..

Who daaaat???

Of course, a nice pic taken by urs truly, ahem!

Coolest toilet pose, ever!

Ain gone wild!!


Cover your boobies, ppl.. America's next top model position up for grabs..

Yeah yeah... Ooo yeah...

Funky tree aye??

Woah Aisyah!

Yes, it's a whole bloody park, surrounded by water...


The junk???!!!

Second issue:

Just celebrated Aidiladha with my family.. Was just about to forget about the whole drama about my parents planning to get a divorce, my 67 year old grandmama being just married and my sister- a whore, when it suddenly was thrown back to me, from nowhere...

God knows how much I miss doc, and all his gestures that make you ponder and react..

Somehow, I do pity my grandmama.. I mean, really, it was HER choice to get married again.. But yeah, she seem quite depressed just now, and my ever- so- rude cousin just didn't help.. That pompous windbag should really learn to respect his elders despite them being a lil' senile sometimes... She's moving out of her apartment... And packing ALONE... Learn to EMPHATHISE!

I can't imagine myself putting away everything I owned in small boxes, especially if they were of my late husband's and had been there for the past 50++ years of my life... AND moving into my new husband's... Such a sad sob I am... But yeah, I love my grandad.. One and only...

So yeah, hugged and kissed and hugged again and left for my other set of grandparents..

I talked a whole bunch of crap to my grandaddy there.. But he just nodded and smiled in agreement 'cos most of the time he know fuck abt what I just told him... A lil' deaf.. Somehow, I envy him.. I mean he just sits there, getting respect and money, and very well accepted for nodding and smiling! Even when thrown with questions- unanswered! That guy is very much at peace with himself and his children.. His grandchildren?? Well, they're still wondering his true age... 94? 95? If only he could hear my questions...

Anw, the meals I had throughout the day.. Protein- diet... All the lontong, washed sambal goreng, washed rendang, lodeh and serondeng.. And a Mac's delivery 5 minutes ago... I've becomed the loser who blogs while trying to gulp down coke with half- masticated fries between her teeth and lips..

I need a life, and good grades...

So help me God...