A breath of fresh air..
Something interesting happened today..
Woke up at about 1330hr today and joined my fellow ex- tpjc mates to visit Said at NUH.. Unexpected, but it was something I really needed.. Times like these, when I was just recovering from the shock of a best friend's death, all confused by the uncertainty of my upcoming exams and the outcome of my transfer of course, good news comes skipping along like a fruit of basket to my doorstep..
Firstly, Sal and I met Fark at NUH.. Noticed a big guy in black from afar, somewhat like Fark, only to realise it was REALLY him.. Shocked by his ability to gain so much weight in so lil' time, I just had to greet him with "Santa!"... Hehe..
Then we met the rest- Pak, Hafiz and Didi.. Went up to ward 43 and there he was.. Boy, did he grew.. Everyone grew (including myself), save Pak... Meaning one thing: Iskandar Shah, get a girlfriend..
But Said was amazing.. Initially, before the accident, he must've weighed 50+kg.. After the accident, he plunged to 30++kg as he was only consuming the liquified nonsense through tubes and now, he looks like a massive 60++kg..
It's great to see him getting better.. His limbs especially, I remembered how fragile and thin he looked while sitting on his wheelchair at his grandma's place when we visited him for Raya.. And now that his head doesn't look so damaged, the bandages are kinda cute, actually..
Really happy for him.. Thank God.. And Said got his memory back and he's able to move ALOT more than he did, write some and speak some.. I could really feel Said's presense once again.. It's weird how I can't talk much to him while others can go "Said lapar eh?" or "Said suka makan ayam?" with him... Maybe because I felt it was too insulting for such an intelligent guy.. Can't treat him like he's some retarded child, what more when we actually had really mature conversations in JC..
So many questions I want to ask him.. I'll wait til he's able to talk again.. Nonetheless, I did try my best just now..
A harsh lesson for him for fucking up ONCE.. I swear he was probably one of the few most responsible guys I knew in the group..
But boys are boys.. And because his reflexes are badly damaged, glancing at my boobs seemed more like a stare.. Awkward moment there.. Fark, of course, was somewhat amused by that.. Especially that I pile on easily on my curves, people can't help but notice..
After Said ate dinner, we head for Simpang Bedok, bumping into Taufiq and Mr. Samad, who still call me 'Cedar' since God knows when...
Events after that felt like a horrible menstrual cramp: a long awaited b'fast-cum-lunch-cum-dinner and WEIRD conversations with Hafiz in the train and at Simpang.. Freaky shifty eyes.. Hehe..
So here he is: Said on the road to recovery!

Said!!! (and his personal scratching nurse, Iskandar Shah aka Pak)

This was the Said before...
Woke up at about 1330hr today and joined my fellow ex- tpjc mates to visit Said at NUH.. Unexpected, but it was something I really needed.. Times like these, when I was just recovering from the shock of a best friend's death, all confused by the uncertainty of my upcoming exams and the outcome of my transfer of course, good news comes skipping along like a fruit of basket to my doorstep..
Firstly, Sal and I met Fark at NUH.. Noticed a big guy in black from afar, somewhat like Fark, only to realise it was REALLY him.. Shocked by his ability to gain so much weight in so lil' time, I just had to greet him with "Santa!"... Hehe..
Then we met the rest- Pak, Hafiz and Didi.. Went up to ward 43 and there he was.. Boy, did he grew.. Everyone grew (including myself), save Pak... Meaning one thing: Iskandar Shah, get a girlfriend..
But Said was amazing.. Initially, before the accident, he must've weighed 50+kg.. After the accident, he plunged to 30++kg as he was only consuming the liquified nonsense through tubes and now, he looks like a massive 60++kg..
It's great to see him getting better.. His limbs especially, I remembered how fragile and thin he looked while sitting on his wheelchair at his grandma's place when we visited him for Raya.. And now that his head doesn't look so damaged, the bandages are kinda cute, actually..
Really happy for him.. Thank God.. And Said got his memory back and he's able to move ALOT more than he did, write some and speak some.. I could really feel Said's presense once again.. It's weird how I can't talk much to him while others can go "Said lapar eh?" or "Said suka makan ayam?" with him... Maybe because I felt it was too insulting for such an intelligent guy.. Can't treat him like he's some retarded child, what more when we actually had really mature conversations in JC..
So many questions I want to ask him.. I'll wait til he's able to talk again.. Nonetheless, I did try my best just now..
A harsh lesson for him for fucking up ONCE.. I swear he was probably one of the few most responsible guys I knew in the group..
But boys are boys.. And because his reflexes are badly damaged, glancing at my boobs seemed more like a stare.. Awkward moment there.. Fark, of course, was somewhat amused by that.. Especially that I pile on easily on my curves, people can't help but notice..
After Said ate dinner, we head for Simpang Bedok, bumping into Taufiq and Mr. Samad, who still call me 'Cedar' since God knows when...
Events after that felt like a horrible menstrual cramp: a long awaited b'fast-cum-lunch-cum-dinner and WEIRD conversations with Hafiz in the train and at Simpang.. Freaky shifty eyes.. Hehe..
So here he is: Said on the road to recovery!

Said!!! (and his personal scratching nurse, Iskandar Shah aka Pak)

This was the Said before...
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