Saturday, April 15, 2006

I'm gonna flunk everything!

The picture on the right is gonna be Aidil's new cover for his portfolio..

Very honoured indeed.. I wish all the best and success to you..

Of recent events, farewell is the theme..

Salleha left right after my paper on thursday, who, for the first time, I truly hug as I carried her HUGE luggage for her into the boot of a long- awaited cab.. I never thought it could be this emotional for me.. But yes, as my mom use to say,

"You'll never know people, until you live with them."

as she jokingly expressed her life living with, ahem, you know who.. Living with Salleha for almost a year now, it's weird how it just ended.. Somewhat the same feeling you get as you graduate from secondary school.. How you felt it was just yesterday you got your PSLE results.. Hall 2 Room 2- 130 has brought us together and many many memories of late night snacking, dikir barat steps brainstorming, volleyball- ing and movie nights with the DVD player.. I almost feel like we're a couple- separated.. Couldn't imagine living with someone else, but her..

To have complete understanding of why I am the way I am and tolerating my sleepless, noisy nights while you're trying to sleep is almost humanly impossible.. And for that, Salleha, I want to say thank you for all the joy and support you've given me here in my first year in NTU.. And I want to apologise for being the jerk that I am to you.. I owe this much to you in experiencing a great partnership and friendship in life..

Second farewell was sending my parents off to Thailand, as usual, but this time with more kisses.. This examinations period made me realise what a terrible daughter I've been, and an ungrateful one at that.. Since next Sem I'm not gonna stay in dorm, I hope to contribute more to my family back home.. And to be honest, I've never been more excited about going home, grabbing Adreena for no reason and smelling my room again..

And the next two farewells were generally done to save my friendships.. The first ended in a somewhat hanging note.. It'll be weird to talk to him again, but we'll see.. And the other, was a farewell to a very confused superhuman who is still very lost in finding his birth planet.. Torch? Superman? Wolverine? A cat I adopted?

Who knows??

So goodbye everyone, and good nite!


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