Saturday, May 27, 2006

Excuses, excuses, excuses...

So finally, I'm truly free..

Been working 5 days a week, about 8 hours every shift and had to squeeze time for the astronomy lectures... But...


Yeah, I'm out of computer engin!!!! HAHAHAHAHA.. True happiness.. I mean really, it's been a long time since I felt I've taken a huge risk for all the right reasons.. And God was listening, waved his wand and blessed His miserable crying subject.. So to Him, a huge THANK YOU!!!

But nevertheless, problems are problems..

Boy issues never seemed so real.. Never handled soo many at one time and I hope I could talk to someone about this, but just too afraid to sound too bimbotic or airheadish..

Guy X: "Hey, have you finished work? Let's get breakfast after you're done." (I was working from 11pm to 8 am)

Me: "Um. Sorry, X.. Real sweet of you to ask but I'm really really tired working all night and my parents will be picking me up.. But thanks anyway.."
In my head: Fuck. This is the 4th time I said no to b'fast with him. What other excuse can I give? Should I just go? He's really sweet, but damn, the last time we went out, he's weird!

Guy F1: "Hey, wanna go watch X- men with me? If not, Superman?"

Me: "Sorry F1, I promised to watch X- men with my best friend and Superman with my BF. Real sorry."
In my head: Ok.. This is the 7th time I said NO to watching any movie with you. Take a hint! I hope my non- existant BF will get jealous and kill you one day, freak!

Guy F2: "Wow, it's been a long time since we met! I kinda miss you, was thinking alot about you. Well, now I'm off to Dubai. Let's meet up for dinner after I come back. So can I have your number please?"

Me: "Ooo. You've been thinking about me? That's weird, but hey, what's a hot girl to do? (wink). Right. So it's 98..... Have fun in Dubai! Nice seeing you again!"
In my head: What the hell is wrong with you, Yati?! Do you know how much trouble you got yourself into? And why the hell he's sooo friendly suddenly? Desperate or something??

Guy F3: "Here's the belated birthday gift. I hope you like it. I miss you. Will only be back tomorrow night."

Me: "Real sweet of you. Thanx, the gift's cute."
In my head: You're real sweet, but seriously, the gift sucks. I miss you too, but we've been going out for months now, and you're not making any move while 3 other guys are moving in quick while you're gone. I can't wait that long.

My point: 1) I don't know how to say no.
2) I hate to disappoint. And worry if he'll be hurt with the truth.
3) I find everyone who cares sweet.
4) I'm suddenly getting alot of dates right after I turn 20.
5) I'm too afraid to tell a guy I like/ hate him. I'll wonder too much about his reaction.

So girls, if you can help me, please, give me a call.. I dunno how I become such a softie and I need a feminine support and advice on who I should choose, whether I should get a boyfriend and what I should say. Should I just trun lesbian again or should I just get a new number? Should I just be mean, or continue superficial friendships? Truly am affected here..

Someone, please, tell me what to do. I can't handle this myself.


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