Thursday, May 11, 2006

Still stucked to...


Ok.. Dunno what is wrong with me.. I LOVE them.. Stuck to Pria Terhebat.. Having the album for over a year, I never made sense of the lyrics til now (it's Indonesian):

Hebat, pria terhebat
Itu yang ku harap ada pada ku
Agar, agar diriku
Bisa melumpuhkan tingkah liar mu

Jangan, jangan sia kan
Kehadiran ku pada mimpi mu
Kerna, kerna lewat mimpi
Aku bisa menjamah mu, juga memiliki mu

Ajari aku 'tuk jadi pria terhebat
Mungkin terlalu lama aku telah bersembunyi
Menatap matahari pun aku tak mampu
Udara malam ku terlalu menusuk dada ku
Di persembunyian aku menari
Di persembunyian aku menyanyi
Pria terhebat

Begitu banyak lagu yang tercipta untuk mu
Hanya saja aku tak bisa
Mengungkapnya kepada mu.....

Ajari aku 'tuk jadi pria terhebat
Mungkin terlalu lama aku telah bersembunyi
Menatap matahari pun aku tak mampu
Udara malam ku terlalu menusuk dada ku
Di persembunyian aku menari
Di persembunyian aku menyanyi
Pria terhebat

Ajari aku 'tuk jadi pria terhebat...

Frankly, guys, do u guys feel that way??? Is that what you mean when you say to your girl, that she makes you want to be a better man??

I learn something new everyday.. Now I wish I were a guy and could sing such a beautiful song to a girl.. Hahahaha...

The recent trip to Thailand was beautiful.. And I ate all sorts of seafood dishes available, despite the spice..

And yes, I gained weight... again.. So shut up and stop staring.. Need to do something about this.. Jog at nite?? Anyone? (Conscience: Naaaah.. For once Yati, accept your body!)

And this month, it's like christmas in my house.. Because the 4 ladies, my elder sis (Ana), younger sis (Naquiah), my mom and me, are born in May.. 7th, 3rd, 15th and 13th respectively.. I hate to make big deals about birthdays, but something really odd happened this year..

As many of you already know, Ana likes to "run away from home" to somewhat prove something to my parents.. For whatever reasons I can't make sense of.. Think she did it more than 10 times already and she's too pathetic to run away forever because she doesn't save up and has no true friend.. Think 22 years old..

And so she did it again on 3rd May.. Traditionally, my family will go out on a special family dinner on everyone's birthday.. So it pissed off my mom and dad that she did that to Naquiah on her birthday.. But this time, my parents did nothing much as they used to.. Past times, they would go out and find her and called up all her friends..

"Dier kalau tak suka tinggal ngan kitorang lagi, dier boleh berambus dari rumah ni."
If she doesn't like living with us anymore, she could bloody hell get out.

And trust me, my dad is a cool cucumber.. He rarely lose faith in anyone or neglect responsibilities just like that.. So they did nothing and about 4 days later, she came back, and it was her birthday (7th) and I see no presents, while I already received mine waaaaay ahead of my birthday from Naquiah and Mama.. Shows alot, doesn't it?

It's only today that Naquiah told me she bought something for Ana (least she bothered to): A mug that says, "I'm a big pain in the BUTT."

hahahahaha.. And I just smiled to myself.. She's got some humour..

And my brother is already planning of what to do with Ana's room when he moves in there.. Can't imagine how disappointed he is.. Hahaha..

And me? I didn't even know she broke ties with her fiance (I know, the ignorance!).. And is throwing herself to some other guy named Ishak.. Some divorced guy with 2 kids living in a condo and has a nice car.. Yes, typical minah.. When she talks to me, I respond with pure frankness.. I was the one who opened the door when she came back,

"Siang kau balik?"
You're home early?

Least I'm not at mean as my brother who shouted in the living room when she entered,

"Naper Kak Ti buka pintu?"
Why did Yati(me, stupid) open the door?

hahaha.. I mean Ana somehow is no longer treated as family anymore and it's SUPPOSED to be sad.. But I'm quite tickled by this.. Feel like a bitchy sicko now.. haha..

Think the only one who really gives a damn about her is my mom.. Pointless, I say.. Mother's love is true..

So all that's left is the proof that love's not only blind but deaf ~ Arctic Monkeys


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