Sunday, April 30, 2006

Issues of the heart..

In about 4 hours time, I'm supposed to head for the airport.. Some of you guys might already know, but if you don't, I'm sure it's not a surprise.. Tho' I still apologise if you were planning something that includes me.. You know me.. I'm a last-minute-er and unbelivably impulsive.. Real sorry..

My passport expiring?? I took care of that.. All you need is the internet and a VISA creditcard.. So now it's due 2011.. Valid for only 5 freaking years... WTH.. So just imagine if the average Singaporean travels only twice a year out of town.. It means, that out of the 96 blank pages, only 10 (the most) will be used.. And if they travel to places that issue no stamps, like Swiss, then maybe 9... But watever it is, Hong Kong is a big possibility... Hehehe...

But before I go and forget about reality, I wish to jot down something here that has been bothering me past few days, so that I'll remember em when I get back.. And realise these problems still exist..

Issue 1: Lately my aunt, Cik Ani, desperately tried to matchmake me again (for the 10000th time).. Said he's cute and smart and polite and rich..

Issue 2: People pushing me to start a serious relationship with GUY1.. He's real nice and all.. But to me, he' no more than a good friend...

Issue 3: Flirting with GUY2, with kisses and occasionally make out with him, even tho' he has a GF already.. Feels like I'm wearing half of his pants and his GF the other half...

Ok.. I'm about done.. Too sleepy to continue..

So.. til I fly back home, You guys shall have all the relieved sighs breathing out of them my now..


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