Sunday, August 20, 2006

The bleeding has stopped..

If you know what I mean.. Hehee..

Just did graveyard with Faisal.. He just became a father last 2 days.. To one named Amelia Fatin.. So yeah.. Congrats..

Told me he took a video of it, sideways of course...

It's interesting, and maybe a lil' scary knowing the people I know are all becoming parents eventually.. I sense a lil' difference in everyone of them, especially the week they just became parents.. Despite all the complaining they do about being tired and sleepless and through all their sighing, you can sense a certain tinge of satisfaction.. And probably gratification..

And maybe HAPPINESS..

So the question I have: Do babies solve problems? Do they bond couples together or forge once broken relationships?

As Faisal was driving me home after work (because he was going to tampines as well) I started thinking about all this..

As we all know, the lastest campaign in Singapore here, is to prevent pre- marital sex, in other words, to prevent having babies before marriage.. Refering to my sister, I believe the answer to those questions is YES..

HOWEVER, different problems spring from it.. Such as financial and parental problems.. In that view I believe that our government doesn't really care about the foundations of relationships, espcially that of family, but more on financial and manpower shortage (in nursing, social services, etc)..

Having babies kinda force these irresponsible teens into motherhood, and thus, educate them about the harsh reality of parenthood: To be more accountable about the financial burden and the baby's education and health.. In doing so, parents of these young parents eventually have to participate and help, along with the father of the baby.. In many ways, I believe babies do bring people together.. Bond between the young mother and her parents becomes stronger because they HAVE to work together.. Same goes to the father..

Ironically, we can conclude that the irresponsible act of casual, condomless sex, and producing bastards, do actually solve relationship problems.. Teens eventually stop partying so much because they are more involved at home (and babies) and have other concerns..

Money is the problem eventually.. And that's all what the government is concerned about.. It is scary too knowing that our leaders do not get to the root of the problem.. The curiousity of sex and proper sex education are still not porperly addressed here..

I mean, when I look at other countries holding the same campaign, it's quite disappointing to see how governments fail to potray the concerns they have about the people (money and manpower) and be transparent about it, but instead divert their concerns into tabloid issues (sex) that no doubt, catches the attention of the masses, but does not make them reflect about the real issue..

Thus failing to solve the real problem..

In Australia, they do it by showing the implication of having babies: having to give up youth to parenthood.. And I believe this transparency works..

However in England, the line is: It's cool to be virgin.. Do you think it works? Unsurprisingly, Singapore is taking this path as well.. I predict that we Singaporeans will, in the near future, face the same problems as the West.. And will have to come up with the same solutions, such as adoption services, and things like leaving your newly born unaffordable babies at windows of these social helpers..

All I'm sayin is, sex isn't the issue.. Babies are.. Even if you have 464654168415213213 rounds of sex a day and not get pregnant, that will not bother anyone.. However, if you bring life into it (a baby) and put it at stake, you're in deep shit..

I think I got too far away while thinking about this.. Hehe.. So I shall stop here..


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