Friday, June 30, 2006

Changes again

k.. I'm having my break now in graveyard shift with Lisa.. Using the terminals at Pacific Coffee while eating my sandwich.. Realising this, I think I'm using the most unhynenic, mayo- coated, coffee- splattered keypads ever! Gross..

Think I'll sanitise my hands when I get to work.. HAHAHA..

k.. First thing, I moved out! Of Hall 2 that is.. Packing my stuff on tuesday was the saddest event of the year.. Recalling all I did in that room made the packing even slower.. And I took like 6 hours to pack all my stuff.. It was alot alot of stuff.. Boy, was I wrong thinking that my clothes would be the bulk.. Instead my nonsense, like the rebana, my pillows, mugs and toiletries contributed to a total of 4 huge 2ft x 3ft x 1 ft bags and a huge box..

I'll miss it.. It's smell and it's calm and cool atmosphere..

Next, I have sworn to myself to let my hair grow long.. Not that I'll never cut it again, but maybe just the fringe and layer it time to time.. And I shall stop colouring it.. I dunno why, but yeah.. Guess it's time for a change..

And lastly, I wish a GET WELL SOON to Yusri.. Don't be so down aite.. These things take time.. Look on the bright side.. Least you'll have more time to yourself..

And yeah.. Thanks to all who cared.. I love you guys..


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