Friday, June 23, 2006


I just enabled the comments function again to see how it goes.. Hopefully it won't be like before.. So guys, please..

A good friend was reading my previous post and said I'm superficial.. Well yeah, I am.. I like things sweet and would rather it stay sweet.. As the saying goes: quit while you're still ahead..

Life's a gamble..

Hearing myself talk about love all the time makes me sick.. I feel like puking at every thought of it that passes by.. So now I shall swear to write no more of it in the next 5 posts.. There are many other things I could talk about, but seemed too trivial to blog about..

Like why, if a boy born in a family with many girls, always be the one who achieve the least academic qualification? In my family, for example, Sufian is the only one in the Normal stream.. In my cousin's family, Aim is the same case.. My uncle, my mom's brother, too.. And all their sisters made it to university, poly and shit..

Or maybe it's the other way around?

Maybe when there's too many of the same gender, they'll start competing, naturally and instinctively.. In Cleavon's family, there are 2 boys and both made it to RI (Raffles Institution) and they are not rich or have parents involved with the government.. So i guess it's happening to my family too.. All the girls in my house have fairly good O- level grades.. Same goes to this friend of mine, Khairul.. He and his brother are geniuses with outstanding A- level grades..

But what happens if a family has a good mix of gender? Like in my dad's siblings: 3 boys and 2 girls.. All of them did fairly well, except one genius who received the prime minister award (my dad, DUH?) and another who served time in prison and made lotsa kids well before 22 (my eldest uncle).. Will that kind of family generate a black sheep and a favourite son/ daughter?

I dunno.. I mean I'm not saying this just to stereotype, but it's happening in almost EVERY family I know.. Not saying boys are stupid or anything, but really, I just realised I've never actually dated a guy with highger qualifications than I do.. Some of them are on par with me, and mostly, lower.. Maybe it's just my age or maybe I just hate smart guys.. Or never get to meet them.. Or find them too nerdy and calculative.. Or maybe I find boys from Normal streams more attractive because of their talents elsewhere, like sports or music or arts.. Yeah, I like boys who are good in those.. They're extremely exciting and interesting..

I was thinking about this when I was talking to Fais at work.. Was discussing with him about my female friends in university who look down at ITE people, when I, on the other hand, often date guys from ITE..

Okaaaaaaaaaaaay.. Stop rite there.. No more love talk!

Next issue: CDR (connect, discover, respond)..

This is a requirement of every STARBUCKS barista.. While doing anything, especially at the bar, we are expected to interact with the waiting customers while trying to pour out 70 degree celcius of hot milk into their latte..

When I just started out a year ago, I knew I was good at it, but now I just can't do it.. In fact, I HIDE behind the Verismo to do my drink all just to avoid eye contact with the customers.. What the hell is wrong with me????

And when the noisy partners work with me, namely Faizah, Kavi and Cam, I shut up.. I stop all my nonsense immediately and stray from the group.. My answers to them are mainly 'yes' or 'no' or 'huh'..

Even with Lonerz, sometimes.. When Bedah, Aisyah, Ain and Sameema get loud, I just corner myself and will only laugh at their jokes.. Or when Faisal goes on and on about scuba diving or his cousins, I just listen and laugh..

But it doesn't work oppositely.. Like if I'm with Salleha in the room and she's quiet, I won't go noisy.. Meaning one thing: I've become quiet.. Tho' many do comment that I'm friendly or 'peramah'.. Maybe because I smile alot? Giggle alot? I dunno..

I need to learn to be noisy again.. It's a job requirement... Sometimes I wonder how some could talk about anything and everything.. Like Faizah or Kavi.. Or like the Aliff guy, Aim's band leader.. He was talking nonstop from Pasir Ris to Hougang and back to Pasir Ris.. He could create a whole conversation with himself and comment and laugh at his own thoughts- out loud! And it seems all natural..

Maybe I talk too much on my blog that I don't talk to people because it will seem all too rehearsed..

So I should stop.. Hehe..


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dearest darling Yati. Doc here. It's been a long time since I read your blog. From what I see, from the last 2 posts, you need to nurse that broken heart. Nursing is a tough job. Take your time to sort things out. Hope you'll feel better. Your insightful posts are a pleasure to read.

2:11 PM  

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