Monday, August 14, 2006

To all fellow Lonerz, soooo sorry..

K.. I know I know, I'm supposed to update.. So sorry that I didn't.. Think you guys should trust Ain to be more reliable at updating.. School reopening, getting fever and all.. So by the time I got back home (which is 2 hours away) and do homework, I fall flat aite.. Even now I'm at school, supposedly having break..

K..k.. The theme: Cartoons/ Fantasy

Ain: Patrick
Aisyah: Little Mermaid
Bedah: My Dad the Rockstar??
Prasanna: Harry Potter
Sameema: Baby Taz
Saru: Winnie the Pooh
Usha: Spongebob Square Pants and Patrick
Vidya: Archie
Yati: Cookie Monster

Good luck to Bedah's loner... In many sense, I would like to say BOTH her loner, the giver and the receiver, but heck, let's be nice to her this time.. Hahaha..

So yeah.. school.. Been interesting and oddly fun.. People in ADM are fun and thing is they behave like HUMANS! They talk and have fun with each other.. A HUGE HUGE HUGE contrast from computer engin, or probably any other engin..

Tho' falling sick and sneezing away the first 4 days of school sucked.. I mean, I hear myself handling all that mucus, and go 'Yuck!'... Ugh...

And I met up with Aidil.. All I can say is __________... Seriously..

Aidil = _____

He's such a boring arse.. He's short, and has no sense of humour and seems to be insecure about.. EVERYTHING.. Shifty eyes, inability to complete sentenses, walking a step behind me all the time.. All the signs saying he's still in secondary school... Bleeeaaaarrgghh.. I hate uni guys.. When they are decent and truly deserved their place in uni purely by merit, they are ugly and unhumourous nonsense.. But when they are cute, tanned, sporty and funny, they're dumb and have over- protective girlfriends..

Not that I'm all perfect.. But simply, I believe that women who made it to uni have far better social skills than the men.. And yes, this applies only to Singapore 'cos I havn't experienced other uni's overseas.. Maybe I should..

Just picturing him in my head makes me dizzy..

But yeah.. I've been thinking about Ryan alot lately.. God knows how much I miss him... The emptiness he brings.. I always thought that death will bring realisation.. Like when my grandad passed away.. But with Ryan, no.. You know the feeling.. Like he's there watching.. Like he's touching you, and you can smell him.. That distinct personal humanly scent.. I think thinking about him will eventually make me a monster.. One like Dr. Frankenstein's creature... Feeling helpless and weak, but at the same time, such immense love, longing and despair..

I should stop here.. I have a class in 15 mins.. see ya..


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