Thursday, June 30, 2005

school, again?

Ok... went to the university to go for the medical check up and to settle some financial matters today...

NTU is just FULL of Chinese... seriously, there was only ONE Indian guy just now (who is a researcher, not a student) I spotted.. And he's the only guy willing to give proper directions.. And I, naturally, seem to be the only Malay there.. 'Cos even Salleha looked Chinese..

Sore thumb...

It felt like China..

Then again, the Chinese takes up almost one- fifth of the world population!

At the medical centre, it was empty, unlike what Salleha predicted.. Had a visual eye test and a urine test (which I did not go for).. Then got lost a lil', finding the Student Services Centre...

Gaawd, Salleha has NO sense of direction whatsoever, but insists on leading...

Then a stupid gardener came to us and shouted at us to go to a particular direction...

I already sensed it was wrong and wanted to turn back, but NOOO... Salleha wanted to try to listen to the grass- eating (and -cutting) idiot..

So we wandered lost for about 45 min, until she finally gave up and followed my sense instead... Of course we got there (ahem!) and paid for our hostel application charges and submit all shitty forms available..

So in the end, for the rest of the the journey, she told me to navigate...

To think that we're in Singapore! Imagine if she were in China or something...

But then again, we'll make the perfect pair cos I can't drive... I'll get into an accident in within 3 seconds... Haha... So she 'll drive and I'll read the map...

Then went for our X-ray scan... Hope they don't find anything unusual like a loose screw in my head or something.. haha...

So, lesson learnt: NEVER listen to a crazy gardener...

Then we went to Cineleisure to watch Mr. and Mrs. Smith...

Angelina's hot!!!! And Brad Pitt looks old....

Action- packed and funny... But there's not much of a story in it... Highly recommendable for a mindless, joyful, work- free day....

Hmmm... which reminds me, I work graveyard tmr...

Guess who I'll be working with?

Yes, the ear- biting Leo...

Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Crazzzy ass..

Amin, stop it! Fark has nothing to do with me hating you...

Then again, at moments when ALL guys seem to be jerks and asses, a real gentleman comes by to prove you wrong...

This guy came by all smiley, greeted us, requested his tea and muffin with all his please's, paid in exact change, talked to me like I'm without the apron, tipped generously, thanked us, cleared his table himself without the need to be wiped and...

is gorgeous! (complete with a cute smile and dimples)

HE should be working instead... I'll serve him ANYTIME... It's about time a customer treats me like one..

I feel humanised all over again...

And I'm sure you gurls don't wanna hear this... but... he has only one arm! And ppl with 2 arms eat like birds- no fingers and lips! We baristas are expected to wipe their crap and sweep the crumbs...

Such a sweetheart.. Seriously, I don't care if he's blind, deaf and lame... He already has my heart.. He's perfect...

And of course he has to come from L.A. and is flying off to Jakarta...

Are all other nice guys out there flying off too?? Stop by Starbucks!

And to think I didn't even get his name....


Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Seduced discriminating heads..

Ok.. I hate to blame this on PMS, but I have no other reason..

I'm moody and pissed off and frustrated for no reason...

And I'm so sick of the men I attract...

Why do I always get the freaks???? I'm soo tired of the nonsense from the men who claim to be in love with me...

I mean seriously... Just stop it!

Amin called me today to arrange for a meeting right after work... Then I told him that I need a break 'cos I'm fucking tired and I have menstrual cramps that are yelling "Painkillers!", but I then asked him if the matter he wished to discuss with me was serious..

He started yelling at me??!!!

He was like,

"You know why you were never happy? 'Cos you neglect the guys who care for you! You were never there in the relationship! I just wanted to meet you and you give all sorts of excuses! I know you got over me! I saw you last night!"

something like that... I just couldn't bear to hear him...

I just can't give a fuck.. Cos in the first place, we were NEVER in a relationship.. We had something until YOU became a desperate fuck who demanded a wife in 2 weeks!

And last night? What the hell did you see? Farkhan and me? Is it wrong for 2 friends meet up and walk together? It's not like I'm making out with him or something.. I'm not even flirting!!!! We've been friends months ago and it's not like we're ever gonna make a move on each other!

And to think Fark and I aren't even close...

Why am I justifying myself? So what if I walk with anyone.. It doesn't matter.. It shouldn't have bothered you.. And so what if I got over you so quickly? You weren't and still aren't hot nor intelligent...

I want you to read this you fuckhead!

And yeah... maybe you should be jealous of Fark.. Cos I bothered to meet him and NOT YOU!

Annoying fuck..

Sometimes you can't blame me for enjoying women more than men...

The men I get are simply losers...

What's that 'L' on your forehead? A sign for me?

Friday, June 24, 2005

In need of a life...

Landing In London

I woke up today in London
As the plane was touching down
All I could think about is Monday
Maybe I'd be back around

If this keeps me away much longer
I don't know what I would do
You've got to understand it's a hard life
That I'm goin thru'

And when the night falls in around me
I don't think I'll make it thru'
I'll use your light to guide my way
'Cos all I think about is you

Well L.A.'s getting kinda crazy
And New York's getting kinda cold
I keep my head from getting lazy
I just can't wait to get back home

And all these days I spent away
I'll make up for this I swear
I need your love to hold me up
When it's all too much to bear

And when the night falls in around me
And I don't think I'll make it thru'
I'll use your light to guide my way
'Cos all I think about is you

And all these days I spent away
I'll make up for this I swear
I need your love to hold me up
When it's all too much to bear

When the night falls in around me
And I don't think I'll make it thru'
I'll use your light to guide my way

'Cos all I think about is you........

Stucked to that song by 3 Doors Down... Sam was singing it just now and it got to me... Did graveyard with him just now.. Vacuumed the ceiling with my nose all fucked up...

Seriously, I rubbed and wiped my nose so often that my upper lip is fading into my face!

Aszy: Balik! Balik!


And despite Sam being the hyper one, I realised that he's probably just doin his job as a manager and is actually a very sad person.. Sad, not pitiful sad, but the depression sad..

Something I learned from Ana.. The most energetic and loud ones are hiding their problems with all the happiness they portray...

I did graveyard with him the day before too...

And that ASS bit my ear! Out of fun (which he doesn't do to anyone else!)... And it was the ear with the cracked up piercing.. Felt like a fish hook thru your lips.. It felt like when the time doc stitched up my finger... I almost forgot about real pain until then..

Gaaawwdddd... I cried in pain there sia...

And Sam freaked out cos my ear turned red and swollen after that.. I was so mad and scared, I didn't let him come anywhere near my head!

Iced it down while Sam sat in front of me with his face in his hands, apologising... I think seeing me cry made him wanna cry.. Haha... SO senso.. I mean for a guy...

I can't really remember what he said cos the pain was too much to handle.. Deafening, in fact.. Literally and fugaritively deafening...

Never had anyone biting my ear.. Maybe licking.. But things like this, you'll NEVER expect at work! So NEVER try to do that again!

Apology accepted...

Afterwork, on my way home, made friends with this guy Farhan.. Talked from the airport to Tampines (my stop)where i revealed my age..He was in shock!

He thought I was in my late 20s.. Said he first thought I'm 20 til I started talking.. 19 was out!


Alaways thought I'm childish for my age.. I mean mental- wise... Crying from a bite, not using make-up, complaining about sch, fear of entering university (soon in late July) and financially dependant on parents..

I mean how 'late- 20s' can I get?? Do I sound old? Must be my voice..

Age getting on to me..

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

So sick...

Ok... I'm falling sick...

You know when you get the feeling of falling sick and then try to do all sorts of shit to prevent it from taking over the rest of your body?


Went to KL on monday and got the feeling there... And so yesterday it's full- blown... And still blowing hard (into the tissue paper) today...

I've tried having more rest, drinking only plain water, taking panadol, avoiding 'heaty' food such as milo and even tried the traditional chicken soup.... But NONE of them work!

And I had to do graveyard yesterday... So I looked pale with my eyes lined red and my lips blue... Kavi thought some vampire came around midnight and bit me hard... Haha... cute thought... Always wanted to know how it feels like to be one... And I will be doing graveyard today (later) and tmr...

Congratulations to me... I asked for it...

Oya... Didn't take any photos at KL... But it was hazy and traffic was bad... Maybe that's how I fell sick...The air there was so terrible that a day of shopping outdoors can turn your ears black... And I havn't mentioned shoes...

But of course prices there are always slashed half (compared to here)... And so I got some clothes tailored there... Can you believe that 4 women can spend RM 1880 on tailoring alone?? This excludes the cost of the material itself... Exchange rate was 2.26... RM 2.26= SGD 1...

Shocking fact: KL has one of the highest HIV cases in the world... And to think that most of the prostitues there are actually transexuals...

Their clients must've been so drunk, they don't know what hit them!

And yeah... the lesbian post... I realised that alot of women do find it a compliment to be called lesbian... They think it's hip and cool and all...

Ida came up to me yesterday and told me that it's soooo cool that most guys think I'm lesbian.... Like what the....? She spilled out everything the guys talked about... behind my back...

Apparently, most girls ACT lesbian to attract guys at clubs... So to Ida, I'm like the ultimate sex goddess now cos alot of her guy friends are asking for the lesbian's (my) number...

Gaaaawwwdd.. I shouldn't have went clubbing with her... NEVER again... Now I have weird horny guys sms- ing me...

I feel really stupid... And used... I mean, seriously, am I just satisfying guys' lustful fantasies? Am I a part of every of their wild imagination of having a two- way? How many guys have fantasied fucking me?

I feel like a whore... Although all of it never happened, it's reaaaallly sad knowing that guys (some of whom are even close friends), think of me that way... Am I more than that? I know I can't control what guys fantasize about... But... nvm....

Ida brought in a whole new definition to lesbian..

Maybe it's a trend....

I feel lousy...

And I'm having a headache....

So sorry if you can't stand this negetivity....

Saturday, June 18, 2005

Something about...

Ok... Since JC, people always thought I'm a lesbian, especially guys...

Although most of them do not support homosexuality (maybe due to religion, or something), they do get turned on by lesbians (mind you, NEVER by gay guys)...

Some deny it but most gave that 'gimme more!' look.. and later, make comments like 'lesbians are such selfish creatures'..

I've always taken that as a compliment..

But recently, alot alot of my female friends turned into one themselves (or so they claim)... So I started thinking whether it's just something ppl my age go thru or that maybe it's some stupid trend that will pass or is it just natural?

Are lesbians natural?

I mean physically, women are just unable to fuck other women...

I mean like have you ever wondered why women stare at other women's boobs?

or why women watch Miss Universe when they don't give two fucking hoots about world peace?

or why we buy magazines featuring beautiful women while men buy magazines featuring the same beautiful women?

Women simply get turned on by women too... And don't you dare deny that.. And men rarely get turned on by men... (correct me if I'm wrong)

I mean seriously, women are just beautiful creatures, towards men... and women...

So if it's ok for girls to hold hands, what about guys?

I think women express emotions far more freely than men do... and so, be accused of disrupting human reproduction and survival just because we kiss and hug one another...

I mean I've kissed lotsa girls but it doesn't have to mean anything...

When my female friends come crying to me with their issues, I'll hug them and stroke them and if it's a real big thing, stay with them the whole nite, hugging them to sleep...

Does that mean I have tendencies towards women?

If so, then I think all of us (women) are in fact, lesbians..

And as they say, men can just get turned on by the sight of a thong, while women, we need more... We need the human touch... And if we're just too ugly to get a man to do it for us, other lonely women are always out there...

And for some, men are just no good with their hands...

So to me, there's no such thing as a lesbian... That discrimination is only used by pretty women owned by shallow guys to put down other smarter, lonely women who aren't that lucky..

And I know some lesbians out there might disagree with me, saying that men are dirt and all... but I cannot deny, men can be HOT too..

They might even claim that they have a child with both their genes 'cos now, technology has made that possible... But I'm talking about 'the attraction'... more like sexual attraction rather than the ability to reproduce without men...

So are there any REAL lesbians out there?

Am I just compromising principles here or do you agree???

Thursday, June 16, 2005


Ok.... Just got back from work.... Just realised that I have worked a total of about 85 hours this month... so today, after work I went shopping.. ALONE... again...

And again, I got the BEST, GREATEST deals!

Isn't it amazing how liberating loneliness is? Seriously, I think I'd prefer eating, shopping and watching movies alone...

Although two- thirds of my life involve socialising, do not be surprised at how much I enjoy being alone...

Seriously, it lets me relax and reflect on life (and the things I bought)... It lets me sit down and take time to come up with stupid, yet sensible theories of life... It makes me understand why God made the world SEEM unfair...

Ok so these are what I bought:
1) A body scrub from The Body Shop at $29.90
2) A perfume at $18.90
3) A top at $22.41 from Double Index
4) A tankini set at $18 at BLUSH!

wow... I just realised the amount I spent....

More work for me!

Gimme graveyard, Mev!

And NEVER think of disturbing my peace by asking me out on a shopping spree... From this day forward, I will only shop ALONE... You shopping partners jinx shopping bargains! Haha...

But please, ask me out for a movie, or like what Salleha always ask me,

"Wanna go to Sentosa or something?"

That'll make me really happy...

Cos I'm sick of people asking me out for dinner or a date... I'm tired ALL the time and I work alot, alot of opening shifts, so I HAVE to wake up early... Stop asking me out clubbing or partying thru' the nite.. I'm trying very, very hard to be a responsible, sleeping- at- nite adult and you damn clubbers ain't helpin.. Tempting me all the time... Haha....

(Sorry Sha and Siti... That's if you guys get ur way here... haha..)

I need activities that help me unwind...

Like swimming or movies or skating or something...

And lepakking at Starbucks is a BIG NO- NO... cos I smell coffee there 34 hours a week...

(Am I doing a good job, doc? hehe.. Anw, thanx for Saturday... you're so sweet... Again, thank you...)

Thursday, June 09, 2005

Missing you....

Ok... Just came back from dinner with an old old friend, Aidil...

Missed you and now missing you again....

ok... Surprisingly (and oddly) enough, Lin didn't eat the oysters.. (Look at photos below and see Lin for yourself- spelled 'Lynn')

9 partners are down with food poisoning... and we suspect the oysters...

So now I'm doing extra work to cover shifts of some of the people...

May you guys get well soon ya? Don't make me hate to work.. I just work 12 damn hrs yeaterday....

Anw, it looks like this blog may have some fan from Miami... Interesting... hmmm...

And yeah.. I feel a lil' lonely rite now.. Cos now life is all about working, sleeping, shitting and (sometimes) eating.. The places I go are only the airport, home and at times, Bussorah...

Salleha, Lonerz and Aidil & co., I miss you guys soo much.. Thanx for calling and saying hi and all...

Oya.... Cant wait for Manifestasi 2005.... A MUST watch!

I even miss the tv... Can you believe that?

I sound so pathetic...

And doc, dun worry.. I miss you too... But we'll meet this weekend rite? So hang on (and prepare youself, hehe) ya?

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

THE Dinner..

Just had dinner with the Starbucks ppl @ Cafe Vienna @ The Royal Plaza Hotel...

Free food always taste good..

Thanx to all partners who worked hard in March and, coincidentally, gave me the chance to pile on wonderful, wonderful food... Hooray...

However, regards to Lisa who cant make it..

Sam and Jesse came late..

It was a good, in fact, GREAT dinner, until I received some news (will tell you this weekend)..

Went shopping ALONE just now... For something I've been wanting a long time ago: TIME WITH MYSELF! Bought some thongs (triumph sale @ Metro; 2 for 5 fucking bucks!), a bag, a necklace, a top and a Black Eyed Peas CD: Monkey Business.. Shopping is best only when you're alone- when you can walk all over for 5 hours without needing to think of any shopping partners whatsoever...

So yeah.. took alot alot of photos... Like some jakun Japanese tourist:
(Please click on the pics to get to the ones sized at 1024 pixels)

Oooooo.... Yeeeeeaaaaaahhhhhh...


Too much oysters eh Lynn??

My table... Look Out! Oysters getting to Lynn!!

And now, Cam!

Tarzan and Jane (Lynn is reaaally getting wild)

Cam: Yum yum...

Confirm, nigga wannabe..

Sam is all ready for the prom!

Kavi, Faizah and Yoda- wannabe

Everybody loves prawns..

The Heads.. Has is glowing!!

Looks like some Mc Donald's ad, doesn't it?


Just Married (Pak, pak, bing, bing...)
More Aaaaaaaaaawwwwwww...

Beauty and the Beast...
Beauty (while making out with beast), "OUCH!!"

But of course, the sideline lesbian affair..
Gawd.. I've got to get sleep!
(Me and Lili)

Shaking that thing with Elaine..
Sorry Sam.. I know you mad rite now...

Curls is just soo huggable....

What is Khalid doing??

And finally.........

Starbucks T2 roxxxxx!!!

Monday, June 06, 2005

The weekend...

Ok.. Been working the whole week.. Rushing back and forth from the airport to Bussorah every single day...

Was looking forward to a relaxing weekend... Until...

Posters pop up on trees..

"Official opening of the Istana by our very own new PM Lee on Saturday..

And on Sunday, Taufik Batisah..."

"God, help me!"

And mama needed help 'cos we wanted to do some makan- makan on Saturday.. Set up a BBQ among the crowds (a.k.a. FREELOADERS) hanging around Bussorah Street... And so overnighted at the shop..

Weekend was hell.. Ppl come in and out like some Hari Raya bazaar.. I couldn't handle all customers, so I wanna apologise to those that I couldn't really approach.. But I'm sure I smiled at everyone there.. Hands were full and so are my pockets (hehe...).. How I wish everyday, ppl (and rezeki) pour in like this... But minus the fussy- leceh makciks who opened up EVERYTHING (including the tiara in the showcase) and walk out empty- handed.. Sheesh..

On top of all these crazy shit, ex- dk members came by needing help... Some rebana stuff.. So yeah.. The skin on my fingers is giving way from all the beating of the rebana.. And that led to me not being to cover Elaine's 5 to 1.. I could've made some moolahs there...

Got some pics here...
On Saturday... At Seiyu... GSS!

Tall freaky ppl at Bugis

Tall freaky ppl getting confused


How's the weather up there??

Pics of the BBQ:

The Chefs @ Le Bussorah

Introducing Anuar, the BBQ king!

Yum yum!

not- so- blur yum yum!


Of Aunties and Cuzzens

And last, but certainly not least:

The EVIL ONE... hahaha...(evil- Count Dracula- laugh)

And on Sunday....

Istana opening

Princess Siti's arrival @ Istana

Kid's Dikir..

Kelana purba @ Istana

That's all I got.. Apologies for missing Taufik... Not a fan... Cudden give two hoots to take pics of him at 11pm while trying to manage folding the scarves makciks rummaged thru...

I broke down on Sunday cos I couldn't handle the stress.. I'll tell you all about it when we meet, k?

Thursday, June 02, 2005


Ok. Problems starting to surface at work. But let's get to that later. Mind you, I have a feeling that this is gonna be long...

Salleha and I have decided to get the hostel together. So yeah Sam will go with Usha. Aisyah, hmm, I don't know, but she hasn't made any effort to call whatsoever, in any occasion. Normally, I end up calling ppl for plans. So heck, Salleha, be careful. Ahem.. And Ain, she wants to get a stranger as a roommate. Hope she gets one of those geeky China scholars or something. Hahaha... So much for "comforting" your new lonely roommate... Zubaidah and Vidya, good luck to you guys! (I don't know what to say)..

And Canada won Miss Universe. I thought Venezuela's hot, but her spoken English is somewhat like Pak's, if you know what I mean. Fark liked Dominician Rep. She's hot laa.. But I dunno.. She's not edgy enough for me. Too Barbie. Now is the age of Bratz! Well, guys... Typical of em... Canada won because, I think, she represents the liberation of women and portrays much youth and energy despite her simple answer during the Q & A session. She's got the 'East meets West' kinda look. So yeah congrats Canada! I'm done getting off... Aaaarrgghh... (Cracking my back and smoking in bed) That felt good..

Ok now.. If you guys only want to hear good stuff, then close this window 'cos now, I'm gonna bitch...

Work. Didn't expect this, but shit happens.

I was doing my first graveyard with Sam, remember? Then 3 airport police guys went up to me to get my bloody number. Naturally, I gave them Aishah's, cos she likes to deal with this kind of ppl.. (You know, those type who believe that sweet talking a girl thru smses will sweep them off their feet) I told Sam I gave them a wrong number. I mean it's true waaad. So this is wad I believed Sam thought: "Poor guy, must be some apek's number that he gave a missed call to." At that moment, I let Sha (Aishah) handle them after informing her about giving out her no. as mine.

And then, next morning, this guy who I believe is Randy or Rudy or something, sms Sha and asked where she is. She said she just woke up. Me, I was at work doing dishes, when I got an sms from Sha telling me to avoid him at work. Happy I was with the dishes until I realised the camera. BAM! He's watching! So then, troubled as I was, used the comm book to express my frustration with the camera.

So now, Sam read the comment and thinks I'm a liar. For the whole time he thought that the flirt was over and that I'm a lesbian, none of it is far from over. Sorry Sam, there are somethings meant only for a girl to know and do. And what I wanna know is, why are you protecting buayas??

The homophobic acting gay.. The loser poser: An Indian posing as Nigga.. The lost poser: A gay disguised homophobic...

(hehe.. Sam, if you ever really read this, I'm sorry... Never meant to hurt you or something.. Just want to kill you, that's all)

(This section has been deleted due to 'VIOLENT OBJECTION')

Main point/ lesson learnt from CASE 2: If you do feel uncomfortable about something I said, please confront me immediately. Don't go behind my back, telling each other to tell me that you feel uncomfortable with what I said.

It minimises misunderstanding and my phone bill... Thank you very much...

Ok that's all the negetivity I've got to ooze out tonite...

All I'm saying is, keep things cool ya? Don't take it too hard cos it may complicate situations that are initially very simple and mindless in the first place.